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Travel Insurance for Students

Group Insurance

Protection on your adventures: Student Travel Insurance in Canada

What is Travel Insurance for Students?

Travel insurance for students in Canada is specifically designed to provide coverage for unexpected medical expenses and other travel-related issues while studying in Canada. It is primarily intended for international students who are studying in Canada for a short period of time, such as a semester or academic year.

Typically, travel insurance for students in Canada includes coverage for emergency medical expenses, such as hospitalisation, doctor visits and prescription medication. In addition, it may also include coverage for trip interruption or cancellation, emergency medical evacuation and repatriation of remains. Some policies may even offer additional coverage for things like lost or stolen luggage, travel delays, or accidental death and dismemberment.

Different Types of Travel Insurance for Students

Medical Expense Coverage

As a student if you require coverage for doctor's visits, hospitalization, prescription medications, emergency medical services and medical evacuation, you shall opt for this type of an insurance.

Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance

When there is a need to cancel or cut short your trip due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, injury, death of a family member or other covered events as per the specifications then this type of insurance will suit you. It typically reimburses non-refundable expenses like airfare, accommodations and study program fees.

Baggage and Personal Belongings Coverage

This coverage provides protection for lost, stolen, or damaged luggage and personal belongings during the student's travel and stay in Canada. It typically reimburses the cost of replacing essential items or repairing damaged belongings.

Personal Liability Coverage

Personal liability insurance protects students in case they cause accidental damage to property or accidentally injure someone during their stay in Canada. It covers legal expenses and potential settlement costs resulting from such incidents.

Emergency Medical Evacuation Coverage

This coverage ensures that students receive prompt and adequate medical transportation to the nearest suitable medical facility in case of a serious illness or injury that requires specialized treatment not available locally. It covers the cost of medical repatriation if necessary.

Emergency Assistance Services

Many travel insurance policies offer emergency assistance services, such as 24/7 helplines, which provide access to medical professionals and assistance in case of emergencies, including medical advice, translation services and coordination of medical care.

Product Highlights

Travel Insurance for Students Policy Coverage Options

Emergency Medical Coverage

Emergency Medical Coverage

Travel insurance for students in Canada provides medical coverage for emergency medical expenses incurred while travelling. This can include doctor's fees, hospitalisation expenses and emergency medical evacuation.

 Trip Interruption And Cancellation Coverage

Trip Interruption And Cancellation Coverage

This coverage reimburses you for non-refundable trip expenses if your trip is cancelled or interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances like illness, injury, or death of a family member.

 Personal Liability Coverage

Personal Liability Coverage

Personal liability coverage is important when travelling overseas. It protects you from legal liability for damages caused to a third party or their property.

Coverage For Lost Or Stolen Items

Coverage For Lost Or Stolen Items

Travel insurance for students in Canada may cover lost or stolen luggage and personal belongings. This can include items like laptops, cameras and other expensive electronics.

 24/7 Emergency Assistance

24/7 Emergency Assistance

Many travel insurance providers in Canada offer 24/7 emergency assistance services to help you in case of an emergency. This can include medical assistance, travel assistance and emergency evacuation.

 Coverage For Adventure Activities

Coverage For Adventure Activities

Some travel insurance policies in Canada offer coverage for adventure activities like skiing, bungee jumping and scuba diving. This can be important if you plan to participate in adventure sports while abroad.

 Coverage For Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

Coverage For Pre-Existing Medical Conditions

If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you can purchase travel insurance that provides coverage for these conditions while you are travelling in Canada or abroad.


Benefits of Travel Insurance for Students in Canada

Medical Expense Coverage

Travel insurance provides coverage for medical expenses resulting from illness or injury during the student's stay in Canada. It ensures access to quality healthcare without the worry of high medical costs, allowing students to focus on their studies and well-being.

Trip Cancellation and Interruption Coverage

In the event of unexpected circumstances that force students to cancel or interrupt their trip, travel insurance provides financial protection. It reimburses non-refundable expenses such as airfare, accommodation and study program fees, reducing the financial impact of trip disruptions.

Baggage and Personal Belongings Protection

Travel insurance covers lost, stolen, or damaged luggage and personal belongings, providing students with reimbursement for the cost of replacing essential items. This benefit helps mitigate the inconvenience and financial burden of lost or damaged belongings.

Emergency Medical Evacuation

Travel insurance includes coverage for emergency medical evacuation, ensuring that students receive prompt and appropriate medical transportation to the nearest suitable facility when facing a serious illness or injury. This benefit provides peace of mind and ensures students receive the necessary medical care when needed.

Assistance Services

Travel insurance often offers 24/7 emergency assistance services, providing students with access to a helpline staffed by professionals who can assist with various emergencies. These services may include medical advice, assistance in finding medical providers, language translation and coordination of emergency assistance.

Personal Liability Coverage

Travel insurance may include personal liability coverage, which protects students if they accidentally cause property damage or injury to others during their time in Canada. It helps cover legal expenses and potential settlements, offering financial protection and support in case of liability claims.

Get Started

01 Step

Get a Personalised Quote

Enter your information to receive a customised quote for your travel insurance for students. You'll see your monthly rate and options for coverage.

02 Step

Apply for Coverage

Choose the plan that meets your needs and apply for coverage. You may need to provide medical information or undergo a physical exam.

03 Step

Sit Back and Relax

Your advisor will handle the rest, including all the paperwork. Once your application is processed and approved, you'll be covered for your travel insurance.


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